Online Course from Susie Gessey
Online Course from Susie Gessey
Learn how to clear energy and become aware of what energy serves you and what doesn't!
Learn how to clear energy and become aware of what energy serves you and what doesn't!
My online Clearing Energy course will talk you through ALL aspects of this process and give you a huge pile of tools to work from so you can use what suits YOU!
Non-serving energy is energy that’s just that - it doesn’t serve you or help you or make you feel well.
You can call it negative energy, low energy etc - I prefer the term “non serving”
It can be YOUR energy, that doesn’t serve you, so your own aches and pains, your own worries, emotions and thoughts that have risen to the surface and are just around you and you would benefit from them going.
OR it could be OTHER peoples or places energy that you have picked up, for example:
a friend has told you all of her problems and feels great after as she’s let them all go but you feel exhausted as you now have all that energy.
Or you may have watched a shocking TV programme, shocking news story, a scary movie, someone’s had an argument, someone is angry with you or poorly etc and that energy stays around you or in your home or place of work unless it’s cleared,
Learn some simple and powerful techniques of how to clear energy, how to feel more happy, peaceful, clear, healthy, rest and sleep better with this course.
Once we are cleared of non serving energy we can start to create the life we want and deserve.
"The most magical course, I feel like a new person. Thank you Susie these techniques are brilliant xx"
Discover how to clear energy and become more aware and empowered of what energy serves you and what doesn't.
Learn LOTS of tools and techniques so you can start clearing all that non-serving stuff straight away.
Get ready for the energetic transformation that awaits you in this beautiful online course which you can work through in your own time, and come back to time and time again!
In this Online Workshop, I will show you EVERYTHING I know about clearing energy:
- Introduction to Clearing Energy
- How to set your intentions
- The Importance of Fresh Air
- How to use the element of fire
- Using Healing sounds to clear energy
- Using Pure Essential Oils in clearing energy
- Clearing energy with salt!
- the physical energy of pictures and statues
- Clearing Non-Serving electrical energy
- Using the energetic sieve (so powerful!)
- How to continue to clear energy, become aware and manifest!
"This course couldn't have come at a better time! From feeling the lowest of low and burnout, this course certainly opened up my eyes and my mind! I’m making changes now that serve me"
For The Cost Of £35 You will get:

Access to my Magical Vault
Your online portal for all things Susie Gessey with your own private log ins

12 Powerful Lessons
Made up of videos covering ALL aspects of this process for you to come back to time and time again

Private Notes
Space inside the Magical Vault to take your own private notes to refer back to.

New App!
Access all of your lessons on our new app - making it even easier to learn wherever you are!
"One word - life changing"
Once you know how to clear energy with this beautiful online course, you'll be able to continue to do so, again and again, using the tools that work for you that I've shown you!
If you would love to clear non serving energy, but you've been unsure of what to do or where to start - or just haven't found the right methods for you yet - learn these powerful techniques with me as I guide you through the process using my 15+ years experience of teaching and clearing for others.