Daily Distance Healing
For an Extra Boost
Would you love to receive beautiful l, loving, supportive, healing, nurturing and protective healing energy each day for a certain amount of time?
While you go through a challenging time?
Or you simply want an extra boost!
But you don’t want to pay a lot of money and you don’t need any feedback from the sessions?
Or would you love to gift a loved one, another person or an animal daily distance healing sessions where they receive beautiful l, loving, supportive, healing, nurturing and protective healing energy each day for a certain amount of time?
Susie now offers daily distance healing packages for people and animals
And each day she will send the nominated person or animal daily distance healing where they receive beautiful l, loving, supportive, healing, nurturing and protective healing energy each day for the nominated amount of time
“Thank you Susie I feel so much lighter and able to cope with life again now after your distance healing”
- Choose the package that suits your needs
- Then simply send Susie either your name, or the nominated person or animals name together with photograph in a reply to the Confirmation email you receive
- Susie will then send this beautiful healing energy daily for the time nominated
- There will not be any feedback in these sessions (feedback is within the hour long one to one Distance healing sessions)
- Instead there will be so much beautiful loving, supportive, healing, nurturing and protective healing energy sent each day by Susie for the nominated amount of time
“Thank you Susie my cat is so much better after you have been sending the healing energy and is eating again today”