Daily Distance Healing

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You will receive a confirmation email from me, in which you can reply to the person or animal to receive distance healing, with a photograph attached.

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Order summary

Daily Distance Healing

Would you love to receive beautiful, loving, supportive, healing, nurturing and protective healing energy each day for a certain amount of time?

While you go through a challenging time?

Or you simply want an extra boost!

But you don’t want to pay a lot of money and you don’t need any feedback from the sessions? 

Or would you love to gift a loved one, another person or an animal  daily distance healing sessions where they receive beautiful l, loving, supportive, healing, nurturing and protective healing energy each day for a certain amount of time?

Susie now offers daily distance healing packages for people and animals 

Total due GBP 5

Payment information

All transactions are secured using 256-bit encryption.

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