Meditation For Aromatherapist Clients

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Meditation For Aromatherapist Clients

Are you an aromatherapist?

Would you love a beautiful piece of music that lasts an hour to play for your clients?

With a short 5 minute meditation at the beginning to help your client relax while you take your time blending your aromatherapy oils before the treatment begins?

Well this is perfect for you!

This beautiful piece of music lasts for for just over an hour. The first minute allows your client to get themselves prepared on the therapy couch. Then the following 5 minutes is a gentle relaxing meditation to calm their body and mind while you mix your aromatherapy oils. Then the beautiful music unfolds while you give your client the aromatherapy massage 

It’s so relaxing and beautiful.

I trust you and your clients will enjoy this meditation and music 

Susie x

Music composer Christopher Lloyd Clarke

Total due GBP 5

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