How to Clear Energy

Clearing Energy Online Workshop

"This course couldn't have come at a better time! From feeling the lowest of low and burnout, this course certainly opened up my eyes and my mind! I’m making changes now that serve me" - Anonymous, June 2023

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How to Clear Energy

Do you sometimes feel drained? Stressed? Over whelmed? Can’t sleep? Or you feel agitated, emotional and can’t switch off?

Well this can sometimes be because you have what I call “none serving energy” around you, or in your home or place of work!

With this course, learn many tools at your own pace to help you master clearing non serving energy so you can feel more happy, peaceful, clear, healthy, rest and sleep better!

Start today for energetic transformations you can come back to time and time again!

GBP 35
Total due GBP 35

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"The most magical course, I feel like a new person. Thank you Susie these techniques are brilliant xx"